College & Career Guidance and Preparation

***It is advised that students take BOTH the SAT and the ACT 2nd semester of their junior year. (We now hold the SAT here every single year – FREE for all juniors!) Then retake both or whichever one the student did better at the very end of their junior year or very beginning of senior year. Retaking these tests can improve your chances of getting a higher score, which can help you get college acceptances or more scholarship dollars.

Are There Other Differences Between Trade Schools and Colleges?

First, it’s essential to address how we talk about post-secondary schooling. The terms “college” and “university” are not reserved for traditional academic institutions. Trade schools can also be called colleges and universities, so the most significant difference comes down to whether the school is publicly or privately funded (non-profit vs. for-profit) and geared toward academic degrees or vocational training.

Colleges and trade schools both provide the opportunity to gain pertinent knowledge and abilities. However, they typically have different approaches and formats. Please see the helpful site below for more information.