Special Education

FCHS has a special education program for students identified as having Autism Spectrum Disorder, Blind or Low Vision, Cognitive Disability, Deaf or Hard of Hearing, Emotional Disability, Multiple Disabilities, Orthopedic, Specific Learning Disability, or other health impairments. 

Special Education students may take electives and required classes with general education students, or they may be taught separately when appropriate/as decided by a case conference committee.  Students take classes deemed appropriate by the case conference committee. 

Students on diploma track may take a, for credit, Basic Skills Development or a, not for credit, Resource class to receive extra help in their general education classes as well as working on IEP goals.  These students may also be on consultation basis only, based on a case conference decision.

It may be deemed appropriate for students in a special education program to pursue a program that will not lead to the earning of a diploma. The certificate of completion means a student did not complete all state required courses and did not meet state testing requirements.

Mild Interventions

Derik Orschell – dorschell@fccsc.k12.in.us  x 1231

Jeremy Kuntz – jkuntz@fccsc.k12.in.us   x 1231

Applied Skills

Amanda Singer – asinger@fccsc.k12.in.us  x 1223